Is Gold a Refuge?
March 12, 2011Recently I received this letter from a reader, Charlie, who asked me for my view of the current gold (and silver) mania.
A question for you on g-o-l-d. For some time I've been trying to figure this's an enigma to me and perhaps you can shed some light and give me your thoughts. Why is it that the "argument" FOR precious metals is so one-sided? And seemingly SO STRONG. Invincible? How does one weigh this, that the intl gangster banksters hold most all the shiny stuff? Can it really turn out well for the little guy who tries to protect himself---discarding paper $ for metal? Is he a dupe?
So I ask, is g-o-l-d REALLY the refuge from the coming currency storm? IS IT? (i.e. physical). For I know that paper is dust historically speaking; but could the hard stuff be dust too? Pixie dust which also can take wings and fly away just as easily as paper? Into waiting hands. The "argument" which for so long has seemed so strong suddenly seems too pat and one-sided,,,who will argue the other side? I haven't heard one voice. ("Don't buy gold or silver, and here's why.") Surely there must be one or two good reasons NOT to buy them...assuming one can..But maybe I've been reading in all the wrong places. :)
I can't put my finger on it Henry but as a purported safehaven from the monetary storms it seems too "sure" a bet,,,and to me this raises suspicion of its surety. But neither is the dollar or any currency for that matter--thus the mystery to me of what's really going on.
The bible says to have food and clothing is enough. God knows what we need and He provides it. I don't think Jesus had any gold or silver and we know Peter didn't, which he explained to the lame beggar at the gate of the Temple: "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk." Acts 3:6.
Jesus advised not to "store up" treasures on earth, and that must include gold and silver. He didn't mean "don't save" of course as that would run contrary to the entirety of Scripture,,,but perhaps what Jesus is advising is that we not place our "heart" into those things because they: A. Can be easily stolen B. We can easily die and they'll go to someone else! and C. True riches are stored up in heaven ("where your treasure, there your heart will be also") and not on earth.. Oh the wisdom of God!!
Dear Charlie,
You're definitely on to something. Our fixation with gold and financial security is a big part of the satanic spell that enslaves us.
In a sense, the Illuminati bankers are creating a financial panic that only drives us further into Satan's arms. We literally seek salvation from -- and worship gold.
Love of Gold is love of Satan. Satanists worship (love) the golden calf.
It is easier to pass a camel through the eyes of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven. Jesus' observation summarizes the human condition individually and collectively. We have turned our backs on our own salvation. We are like the rich man.
But we can own precious metals without worshiping them.
The best argument for gold and silver is that they are a medium of exchange that the bankers don't create out of nothing like fiat currency. They are not sovereign debt.
They are the only medium of exchange we can create (through our ownership of gold stocks.) They are also the only medium that cost alot to produce, are relatively rare, and have some inherent value.
Owning gold or silver is a political act. It is rejecting fiat currency. For this reason, the central bankers will aways try to sabotage or suppress their value. We should regard selling panics as buying opportunities.
So I am all for gold and silver and believe they should represent a portion of one's savings.
But returning to my main theme, the trick is to not worship (love) Gold. This means not thinking about money constantly. Not measuring our value in terms of how much we have.
"What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?"
The quest for gold is a part of the diabolical trance we suffer under. The battle we face is a spiritual one, one we must all wage first in our own heart. "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
We call someone who sells their body a whore. What do we call those who sell their soul?
As Charlie alluded, "Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal."
Ultimately, the gold argument is beads versus sea shells. What if we measured our wealth in terms of how much love we have in our life?
God is the Spirit of Love, the only true refuge. We must love God first, fervently and only. Thank you Charlie for this reminder.
Comment from Michael March 14
Say you have 20k in gold, but no money. How long will it take for you to decide to sell you're 20k for 5k in money you can eat with?
That's a 75% loss and trust me that is the plan and it'll be much worse then that.
That's why they want everyone to buy gold, because they know when the dollar dies they'll make huge profits off of those they sold the gold too.
It's not a safe haven, it's a trap.
There is no such thing as a safe haven unless you own oil fields.
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