YouTube restores Farrakhan video
By News | Last updated: Apr 4, 2011 - 1:26:15 AMPrinter Friendly Page
The nearly 9 ½ minute video uncovers the hypocrisy in U.S. actions toward Libya and how “noble motives” of humanitarian activity are being used to cover American aims to destroy Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi and advises President Obama to be careful in the handling of the Libyan situation. Min. Farrakhan warned that what America has seen, the unrest and protests in Libya, are headed for the United States.
The Minister also warned the public to understand that once the political power structure decides to remove or destroy someone, the media is used to make the target a “bogeyman.” Millions of dollars have been spent to foment regime change in Iran because America does not like the government, he said.
How much money was spent to remove Col. Gadhafi because imperialist powers America, Britain and France do not like his leadership? asked Min. Farrakhan. The CIA sends in agents to “stimulate” legitimate dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction that is present in every nation, he said.
Visit and search “Farrakhan warns, advises Obama on Libya” to view this insightful excerpt and see what some people didn't want in the public. Visit for more coverage of the Minister's warning on Libya and visit to obtain a full copy of the 2 hour interview conducted by WVON AM radio host Cliff Kelley with Min. Farrakhan.
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