Point No. 12: What The Muslims Believe - A Scientific Analysis
By Nubian L. Muhammad -Publishing Editor- | Last updated: Apr 6, 2011 - 11:03:45 AMPrinter Friendly Page
Point No. 12 of “What The Muslims Believe,” which appears on the inside back page of every edition of The Final Call states: “WE BELIEVE that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master W. Fard Muhammad, July 1930; the long-awaited ‘Messiah' of the Christians and the ‘Mahdi' of the Muslims. We believe further and lastly that Allah is God and besides HIM there is no God and He will bring about a universal government of peace wherein we all can live in peace together.”
Image of slide shown at workshop. |
The workshop was organized into four parts: First, “Point No. 12: An Introduction to Mathematical Theology & Scientific Methodology” presented by Student Minister Robert Muhammad of Houston, second, “Spiritual Toolbox: Resources, Evidence and Proof,” presented by Brother Demetric Muhammad, co-author of the book A Complete Dictionary of The Supreme Wisdom Lessons, which all registered Saviours' Day participants received as a gift from Minister Farrakhan; third, “Theophany: God and the Prophets of the Bible,” presented by Student Minister Anthony Muhammad of Memphis; and “Anthropomorphism in Classical Islam” presented by Dr. Wesley Muhammad, author of the book Black Arabia and The African Origin of Islam.
Mathematical Theology & Scientific Methodology
“Our intention is that when you leave here, if you still want to believe in a Mystery God, you won't be able to use history, you won't be able to use nature, you won't be able to use mathematics, and you sure won't be able to use the scripture of both Bible and Holy Qur'an. If you still want to believe in a Mystery God, you're just going to believe in [one] because you want to believe in [one],” stated Bro. Robert, who served as the workshop's moderator. “We are through ‘defending' Point No. 12—we don't have to defend it! We're going to declare it, we're going to prove it, and we're going to back it up because documentation can always back up our conversation.”
Referencing the books Message To the Blackman in America and Our Saviour Has Arrived by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and the message “Who is God?” delivered by Minister Farrakhan on February 24, 1991, Brother Robert was able to perform an orderly, analytical synopsis of the roles that Mathematics, Science (Nature) and Scripture play when proving Point No. 12.
Master Fard Muhammad: Proof of The Message is Proof of The Man
Bro. Demetric, speaking of the wars breaking out, homelessness and joblessness, said there may be some who believe that pressing matters such as food, clothing and shelter take precedence over high-minded discussions of the scriptures, however, that which is taking place is actually very relevant and written of in scriptural texts.
“As we study, we find out that all of these things that are taking place around the world are written of in scripture, and they actually fit in a section of religious studies called ‘eschatology.'”
Bro. Demetric said eschatology means “end time prophecies,” and that the Qur'an teaches Allah has sent to every nation and people a messenger and a warner from among them. And when you study what the prophets said, and the world's sacred texts, one will find common themes.
Theophany: God Appearing to Man
Brother Anthony reminded us of what Minister Farrakhan has taught regarding those we take as “teachers” of whatever subject: “He who subscribes the diameter of your knowledge dictates the circumference of your activities.” For those who are regarded as Biblical scholars, whose numerous writings always have a common thread being reiterated that “God is not a human being,” and therefore can't “communicate face-to-face with mankind,” being able to prove that the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad did in fact meet with God in Person has eluded us. However, Bro. Anthony introduced to some, and expounded for many, the word “theophany,” which means the “physical appearance or personal manifestation of God to a person.”
“The God of the Old Testament is a God who reveals Himself. He is also a God who conceals Himself … In any case, He is not a God about whom Israel needed to guess. What Israel knew of God, it knew through His own Self-Disclosure,” stated Bro. Anthony.
Anthropomorphism: Scientific Method for Proving The Reality of God
According to Dr. Wesley, the term anthropomorphism is a Greek compound from the terms anthropos meaning “man” and morphe meaning “form,” and it denotes belief in God's possession of a human form or body. It was during Dr. Wesley's presentation that we also learned the word philology which means “a study of a language's grammar, vocabulary, style, literary history and cultural context”.
Holding up two books to compare, the King James (KJV) Bible, and the Hebrew Bible, Dr. Wesley said, “These are two different books; the Bible of King James and his ‘fine team of translators,” and the Hebrew Bible are fundamentally different books.” He stated that he was not making the claim that the Hebrew Bible is “the” Word of God,” however, he confidently stated that the Words of God are contained in this book, and then demonstrated philology as a major tool for anyone striving to have a spirit of discernment when reading scriptural texts that have been transliterated and [mis]interpreted.
For example, to dispel the notion humanity has been taught that “God is not a man,” and how God's Word can be manipulated to cause misunderstanding, Dr. Wesley compared the scripture of Numbers 23:19 found in the KJV Bible: “God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man that he should repent,” with the language found in the Hebrew Bible: “God is not a man who lies.” He gave another example of transliterated Quran'ic verses that have undergone the same differences, stating that philology restores the Word of God, and it protects us against the dogmatic manipulations and manhandling of the Word of God.
Dr. Wesley closed out his presentation by stating to those who say they Believe in the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad that it is important we understand what we are saying.
“Islam is Mathematics and Mathematics is Islam, and it can be proven in no limit of time. If there's a seeming conflict, there will never be a conflict between ‘Mathematics' and ‘Islam.' If there's a conflict in our mind, we don't need to throw out our religion, or throw out Mathematics. We just need to get our mind right,” said Dr. Wesley.
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