Friday, April 8, 2011

Planned Parenthood Fight Holding Up Budget Deal

Planned Parenthood Fight Holding Up Budget Deal

GOP guys don't want to subsidize Pap smears

By Mary Papenfuss,  Newser Staff

Posted Apr 8, 2011 2:02 AM CDT
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(Newser) – A battle over Planned Parenthood funding has emerged as one of the major sticking points in stalled federal budget talks that could shut down the government, reports the Huffington Post. Specifically, Republicans are refusing to approve money to subsidize Pap smears, which help detect cervical cancer, according to sources. Ironically, all of the principal negotiators in the talks over the issue are men. House Speaker John Boehner said late last night that the party would not approve a budget if any money went to Planned Parenthood through Title X.
The issue is one of the numerous budget riders restricting federal spending that are hanging up talks. Others involve environmental issues like mountaintop mining.The fights are viewed as "culture war" battles between the two parties hidden in the guise of saving money. "The riders that have nothing to do with deficit reduction have sort of taken over Boehner and the Republican Party," said New York Sen. Charles Schumer. "Unless they back off those riders, it's going to be impossible pretty much to avoid a shutdown."
New York Sen. Charles Schumer (at the podium) has accused the Republican of holding up budget talks over issues that have more to do with culture wars than cost savings.
New York Sen. Charles Schumer (at the podium) has accused the Republican of holding up budget talks over issues that have more to do with culture wars than cost savings.   (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
Another day, another failure hammering out a budget deal. House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid head into the night.
Another day, another failure hammering out a budget deal. House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid head into the night.   (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)
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Televangelist Priest Confesses Affair With Cousin

Televangelist Priest Confesses Affair With Cousin

Manning and Kotowski
Manning and KotowskiPhoto: Trinity Network
The Rev. Michael Manning, who runs a worldwide televised ministry, admitted to breaking his vow of celibacy—with his second cousin, Nancy Kotowski. In response to admitting the affair, Manning has taken a leave of absence from his ministry. Kotowski, a school superintendent in Monterey County, CA, broke off her sexual relationship with Manning three years ago, but Manning is using his personal experience as a platform to discuss changing the rules that say priests must remain celibate. "The reality is I was living two lives: one as a priest who was vowed to celibacy and another life as a sexually active man in our sexual intimacy," Manning wrote to his cousin. "We've been such good friends, and there's a deep love we have for each other. The sexuality was secondary. It's very hard when you care for someone, but I love my priesthood more. I admit the fact of my sinfulness. I've done wrong. That's why I've stopped." Manning appears on "The Word in the World," a weekly show on the Trinity Broadcasting Network.

Thursday, April 7, 2011




Gerald L. Rowles, Ph.D.
December 2, 2002


A little over 3 decades ago, Holmes and Rahe published the Social Readjustment Rating Scale which ranked life events as to their stress factor on a scale of 1-100. The number 1 rank was "death of a spouse" (death of a child might be presumed as very nearly equivalent) at 100, followed in 2nd place by Divorce (73) 3rd place, Marital Separation (65) then; Changes in financial state (38) Change in Living Conditions (25) Change in residence (20). Compare these event ratings with: Christmas (12); Minor violations of law (11).
For a divorced dad, that's a stress value of 221 points (plus the loss of the children) out of the starting gate. Over time, those events may be compounded and reiterated with each court trip and/or visitation sabotage. All too frequently, we must also factor in the devastating effect of false allegations of abuse.
Other research findings from the Holmes and Rahe scale:

  • The more life events one experiences, the more likely they are to get sick.

  • Individuals who have heart attacks had more significant life events in the six months prior to the attack.

  • Individals who became depressed had a larger number of life events, particularly losses, than those who did not.

  • The gradual chipping away at an individual by stresses that wear him or her down leads to susceptibility & precipitates dramatic jumps in illness.

  • What distinguishes hospitalized groups from the non-hospitalized is the number of "uncontrollable" life events in the preceeding year - "helplessness-inducing" life events.

  • This is the key variable - "uncontrollable". To the degree that a dad is involved in an adversarial divorce, the number and frequency of the accompanying stressful life-events and the impact of the repeated experience of helplessness is virtually inestimable in terms of describing what may be an exponential experience of distress.
    That some men are virtually or partially immobilized by emotional pain that is bound up in a closed system, comes as no foreign notion to me, both as a function of my research experience and of that experience outlined in the comments that follow.
    But there is more to the Divorced Dads issue than emotional distress, as Maggie Gallagher has so aptly articulated in the linked column. I would point particularly to the stats that indicate that an average of 56% of white males, whether divorced or single, make less than $18,000 per year - or about $8.00 per hour. The post-divorce schedule posted elsewhere on the DA*DI pages demonstrates how vulnerable these men are to the potential for becoming "deadbeat dads" when the court follows the "standard" award for child support.
    In my experience working with more than 8000 divorced Fathers, and in some cases their second families, through the DA*DI network, I originally outlined what I then called the Defeated Father Syndrome. In listening to their personal experiences and emotional responses to the experience of divorce and the attendant loss of their child or children, these Fathers almost universally shared a symptom cluster that bridged those symptoms associated with both Depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

    Their depression derived from loss of positive reinforcers, a sense of helplessness, and a growing negative world view. Their PTSD derived from the battleground of the adversarial family court system in which they repeatedly found themselves on the losing end of a losing proposition - attempting to maintain their roles as Fathers. It is not hyperbole to associate this experience with the battleground. A 1995 headline in the Detroit News blared: "Declaring War on America's Deadbeat Dads". The war is real, as are its casualties - children and fathers, but the "deadbeat dad" is largely fictional.

    Recently, Dr. Sanford Braver published the results of his exhaustive 8-year study of divorce. And in that account, he not only "shatters" the many myths surrounding America's divorced dads, but he also explores the notion of the disenfranchised dad. In a glaring refutation of cultural perception, Dr. Braver found that "men have more trouble recovering emotionally" from divorce. He notes that "most often the man - feels utterly powerless because he can do nothing to prevent the breakup of the marriage." This is entirely consistent with my experience in dealing with the DA*DI dads. Hence, I attached the label Defeated. But this is an outcome-based label. It fails to encompass the whole of the divorced, battle weary father experience and what precipitates that sense of defeat.

    Dr. Braver more adequately captures the precipitating event in using the label Disenfranchised. He reports, "Fathers are often obsessed with what they perceive as the profound bias against them displayed by the courts and the legal system." And the fact is that such a bias does exist, including the presumption that all divorced dads are or will become deadbeat dads.

    Expanding on Dr. Braver's findings, Parke and Brott in Throwaway Dads takes us another step closer to understanding the degree to which the contemporary myth of the unfeeling, macho, uninvolved, "deadbeat", if not "dangerous" dad belies the frequent, tragic-reality of the post-divorce, disenfranchised, "visiting father." To their credit, Parke and Brott take note of the fact that "hammering men over the head" with their "wildly exaggerated ... shortcomings only fills them with feelings of shame that serve to drive them further from their families" ... and developing a sense of "being worthless and powerless."

    The definition of disenfranchised is "to deprive of political rights", "to enslave", "to deprive of a franchise, of a legal right, or of some privilege or immunity". Such is the process of becoming a divorced dad - a disenfranchised parent. These definitions are becoming even more relevant as the Child Support Enforcement statutes become more egregious - e.g., depriving Fathers of their licenses to drive or practice their professions.

    The following stressors are common in Fathers who have been exposed to divorce and the deeply painful loss of marital attachment and daily involvement in their child(ren)'s life:

  • the psychological shock of discovering that one's spouse has filed for divorce.

  • the initial exposure to the prospect of divorce, and the attendant losses including financial and lifestyle stability.

  • the extreme trauma of being compelled to psychologically separate from the marital relationship while simultaneously maintaining the parenting role.

  • the perceptual transition of the object of one's affection to one's adversary.

  • the perception of betrayal.

  • the emotional trauma of establishing a new home and alternate lifestyle.

  • the added economic hardship of legal proceedings and separate domicile.

  • the associated and unrelenting punitive experience of the family court system when attempting to maintain some form of parental involvement in an adversarial divorce.

  • the shame and indignation surrounding false allegations of abuse.

  • the immediate separation from their children.

  • the extended separation from their children.

  • repeated defeats in legal actions.

  • repeated accusations and investigations of alleged abuse.

  • repeated denial of court-ordered parenting time.

  • sabotage of the Father-child nurturance relationship by the custodial mother.

  • the perceived or real ineffectiveness of legal representation.

  • the increasing perception of distance in shared emotional and life experiences with one's child(ren) - a growing sense of separateness.

  • an increasingly punitive association between the attachment to their child(ren) and the hostility or indifference of an adversarial spouse.

  • emotional and physical exhaustion from frustrated attempts to sustain a Father role.

  • the increasing realization that a Father has no legal rights in the family court system.

  • Most Fathers who become non-custodial parents struggle on valiantly for several years after the epoch event, attempting to maintain some kind of normalcy in their relationship with their offspring. But they gradually, and realistically, come to realize that what is lost is greater than what is preserved. They increasingly feel helpless to have a prominent influence in their child(ren)'s lives. Consequently, in many cases the motivation for career success is significantly diminished.

    To the degree that the non-custodial Father was involved in his child(ren)'s daily activities, and played an active and nurturant parenting role, the levels of stress will be concommitantly exacerbated.

    Almost immediately, however, the stressors listed above begin to form symptom clusters that are most often associated with the following clinical syndromes. Because of the singular and shared association with the trauma of divorce and the loss of the Fatherhood role, as well as the frequency of occurrence, a separate diagnostic entity is warranted - the Disenfranchised Father Syndrome:


    • Significant Appetite and/or Weight Change.
    • Sleep Change: Too Little or Too Much.
    • Agitation or Lethargy.
    • Loss of Interest or Pleasure in Usual Activities.
    • Decrease in Sexual Drive.
    • Loss of Energy; Fatigue.
    • Feelings of Worthlessness or Inappropriate Guilt.
    • Slowed Thinking; Indecisiveness; Poor Concentration.
    • Recurrent Thoughts of Death, Suicide, Wishes to be Dead.
    • diagnosis of either disorder requires the presence of only four symptoms.
    P.T.S.D. (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Symptoms:

    • Presence of a Significant Stress Event.
    • Recurrent, Intrusive Recollection of the Event.
    • Recurrent dreams of the Event.
    • Sudden Feelings that the Event is Recurring.
    • Numbing of Involvement with the External World.
    • Markedly Diminished Interest in Significant Activities.
    • Feelings of Detachment/Estrangement from Others.
    • Exaggerated Startle Response; Hyperalertness.
    • Sleep Disturbance.
    • Irrational Guilt.
    • Memory/Concentration Impairment.
    • Avoidance of Activities that Arouse Memories of the Event.
    • Intensification of the Above Signs by Exposure to Events that Symbolize the Traumatic Event.

    How do we defend Fathers against the relentless societal juggernaut that drives them into becoming portrayed as psuedo-felons and fictitious-deadbeats? We must first accept the fact that the historic male caricature of the strong, unfeeling and impervious patriarch is a myth in today's society. Many divorced Fathers are the battle-weary casualties of a culture that no longer finds value in Fatherhood, and a court system that is engaged in the self-fulfilling prophecy that they will become deadbeats.

    We must acknowledge that men can be weakened, and that they frequently become disabled by the same emotional bonds that they have been enculturated to develop with their children - before becoming divorced and disenfranchised.

    Mental Illness, such as PTSD and/or Depression is disabling, displaying a continuum of severity that substantially limits one or more of a Disenfranchised Father's major life activities.


    As the nationally syndicated columnist Kathleen Parker has so aptly surmised,
    "The solution to deadbeat dads isn't criminalizing fathers, but allowing them to be part of their children's lives. Tonight, in a nation where fatherlessness is recognized as one of our most serious social problems, 42 percent of all children will sleep in a house where their biological father does NOT live. ... The wonder isn't that we have deadbeat dads, but that we don't have more."
    It is likely that today's Disenfranchised Father is in many, if not most cases, exhibiting an emotional disability deriving from the divorce experience that substantially limits one or more of his major life activities. Direct evidence of that disability, other than psychological tests for disordered mood, often comes from a sketchy work history, and/or the inability to function at optimal employment capacity.

    It is highly likely that Fathers who have been imprisoned for failure to meet egregious support provisions, are in fact being imprisoned for emotional disability - the Disenfranchised Father Syndrome - a self-fulfilling by-product of a profoundly biased legal system. Where is the Americans With Disabilities Act then? In the medical and psychiatric professions, when the administered treatment inadvertently produces a negative impact on the patient's well-being, it is known as an iatrogenic illness.

    In the case of Divorced Dads, I don't believe that there is anything inadvertent about this sometimes profoundly disabling iatrogenic outcome. Rather, it is a deliberate and biased, jackbooted application of the full power of the State.

    We must continue the struggle to restore equity, and the Fatherhood franchise - for the health of our Dads, for the health of our Kids, and for the future health of our Culture. But we must also be ready to recognize the symptoms of DFS in our brotherhood, and reach out to those deliberately damaged Dads that desperately need our support.

    Finally, it is important to remember that a man's grief, unlike a woman's, is more likely to be expressed as rage than tears. And all too often, that rage is turned against themselves, in the form of suicide. Even then, in the irrational reaction of guilt and the uncontrollable reaction of grief, they are ironically engaged in protecting others from their fear of their own rage.

    Inspirational quotes from English poet and playwright, John Dryden 1631-1700

    Deserted, at his utmost need,
    By those his former bounty fed;
    On the bare earth exposed he lies,
    With not a friend to close his eyes.
         - Alexander's Feast (st. 4)

    Whom Fortune wishes to destroy she first makes mad.
         - Maxim 911.

    A man is to be cheated into passion,
    but to be reasoned into truth.
         - unsourced but attributed to Dryden

    The gates of Hell are open night and day;
    Smooth the descent, and easy is the way:
    But, to return, and view the cheerful skies;
    In this, the task and mighty labour lies.
         - Spoken to Aeneas, in his quest to find his father.
         - Aeneid, bk. 6, l. 126-9, trans. by John Dryden.

    Forgiveness to the injured does belong;
    But they ne’er pardon who have done the wrong.
         - The Conquest of Granada. Part ii. Act i. Sc. 2.

    Either be wholly slaves or wholly free.
         - The Hind and the Panther, pt. 2, l. 285 (1687)

    Happy the man, and happy he alone,
    He who can call to-day his own;
    He who, secure within, can say,
    To-morrow, do thy worst, for I have liv’d to-day.
         - Imitation of Horace. Book iii. Ode 29, Line 65.

    The brave man seeks not popular applause,
    Nor, overpower'd with arms, deserts his cause;
    Unsham'd, though foil'd, he does the best he can,
    Force is of brutes, but honor is of man.
         - Palamon and Arcite (bk. III, l. 2015)

    Self-defence is Nature’s eldest law.
         - Absalom and Achitophel, pt. 1, l. 458 (1681).

    Must I at length the sword of justice draw?
    Oh curst effects of necessary law!
    How ill my fear they by my mercy scan,
    Beware the fury of a patient man.
         - Absalom and Achitophel (pt. I, l. 1005)

    (DFS: reprised from the original, 6/21/2000)

    Back to DA*DI's Home Page

    Cinematic Art - Throwing Pearls to Swine

    April 4, 2011
    Critics call it "dull," a "chore to watch"; "artificial," "turgid," "self conscious."  In fact, this is a delightful movie for people whose sensibilities haven't been destroyed by a steady diet of sex, violence and special effects.

    by Henry Makow Ph.D.

    "The City of Your Final Destination," James Ivory's latest and probably last movie is a gem, but you're unlikely to hear about it, let alone see it.

    The 83-year-old director of such classics as "A Room with a View," "Howard's End" and "The Remains of the Day," couldn't find a distributor for his last movie. Dim witted critics panned it, giving it 37% approval on Rotten Tomatoes.

    The movie bombed at the box office. It cost something like $8,000,000 and only grossed $500,000. Anthony Hopkins is suing for his $750,000 fee.

    The movie is about intelligent, articulate, attractive, honest, civilized people trying to improve their lives. It is set in beautiful surroundings and is a great escape from the sordid, hypocritical, materialistic world in which we live. 

    The premise doesn't seem promising at first. Graduate student
    Omar Razaghi (Omar Metwally) has a grant to write a biography of Latin American writer Jules Gund but needs the cooperation of his estate controlled by his widow, Christine (played by Laura Linney); brother Adam (Anthony Hopkins) and mistress, Arlen (Charlotte Gainsbourgh) with whom he had a child.

    They say no and Omar is about to give up. However his plucky girlfriend Deirdre (Alexandra Maria Lara) convinces him to travel to Uruguay to convince them to change their minds.

    He shows up unannounced at their estate, called Ochos Rios. The film is about how civilized people try to get what they want from other civilized people. It is about how they interact. Omar's career depends on getting permission for the biography. Caroline, the widow, doesn't want to cooperate. Deidre is pushing Omar to succeed.

    It is a study in character. Omar and Arlen are gentle, unassertive people, who seem to want each other. Christine and Deirdre are very strong and determined people who want success and culture. Anthony Hopkins puts in a magnificent performance as Gund's gay brother who wants to provide for Pete, his life partner.

    This is Ivory's first film after the death of his producing and life partner Ishmael Merchant. It was written by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala, who is a German Jew, who was married to an Indian.   Jhabvala has done the screenplays for most of their movies, which are hit-or-miss affairs.

    After this movie, my favorites are "The Bostonians,"  about a man who deprograms a feminist in the nineteenth century; "Soldier's Daughter Don't Cry" and "Le Divorce." 

    I rummage through the video store in vain looking for well written movies about
    intelligent, urbane, attractive people. There aren't many. And when someone like James Ivory makes one, it is like throwing pearls to swine. The world no longer cares about civilized behavior.


    The Trailer

    The Hoax of Female Empowerment (Reprise)

    March 30, 2011
    Davis"Commander in Chief" was canceled after its first 2005-2006 season but it has been replaced by numerous shows featuring female role models that disparage men and seek fulfillment in careers rather than family. After yesterday's article, a reader wrote, "There is so much anti-male bias throughout our western culture today that I can't see how any woman could view any male in a positive light. I am afraid any man in America who marries an American woman is doomed to disappoint her. Marriage today for men is a very risky business." I am reprising this article because it is as true today as it was five-and-a-half years ago. Although they think they're being liberated, young women are being sabotaged by the Illuminati.

    By Henry Makow Ph.D.
    In "Commander in Chief," a new TV-series, President "Mackenzie Allen" (Geena Davis) juggles her responsibilities as Leader of the Free World and mother of teenage twins and a six-year-old-daughter. Her husband has a supporting role, her Chief-of-Staff.
    This show prepared the public for Hillary Clinton's 2008 Presidential bid. It also contributed to the false sense of entitlement young women have today, making it harder for them to form successful families.
    The success of this behavior modification campaign in the media and education is confirmed by recent British statistics (below) showing the rapid disintegration of the nuclear family. It is also confirmed by unprecedented sexual depravity exhibited by young women today, expressing their total confusion and despair. (I will elaborate below.)
    The White House Project, a lobby dedicated to putting a woman in the White House, sponsored an advance screening of "Commander in Chief" in New York with the lead writer Stephen Cohen and prominent women journalists in attendance. The President of this organization, located at 110 Wall Street, Marie Wilson, is also co-founder of "Take Your Daughter to Work" organization.
    Nearby at 120 Wall Street, you'll find "Girls Inc." an organization with chapters all over the US dedicated to making girls "strong, smart and bold." It encourages young girls to be self absorbed and ambitious and to make marriage and family their second priority.
    Search "Girl Power" in Google and you'll get an assortment of these elite-sponsored projects. Type "Boy Power" and you'll find, "Lawn Boy Recalls Power Mower" and "Lazy Boy Introduces Power Recliner."
    Only a nation subverted by the agents of an international financial cartel empowers its young females at the expense of its males. International finance is dedicated to destabilizing society by destroying the family and submerging the US in a world dictatorship. As I will show later, this has been the Illuminati banker goal for 200 years. But first I will explain why "empowering" females leads to a breakdown of heterosexual marriage and family.


    I do not believe that all young women must marry and have children. However this is the healthy and natural instinct of the vast majority, and is necessary for the perpetuation of society. To encourage them to pursue high-powered careers before they establish strong families is doing them and society a deliberate injustice.

    Henry Kissinger once said, "Power is the greatest aphrodisiac." Women are attracted to powerful men. Powerful women repulse men.
    Heterosexual marriage is based on a woman surrendering worldly power to a man who is dedicated to her and their children's welfare. Trust and surrender is the way a woman empowers and loves a man. Men want power. Women want love. This exchange -- power for love -- is the essence of heterosexual marriage.The man earns this trust through a patient process of courtship. The woman must consider her choice carefully.
    When women challenge and usurp male leadership, marriages fall apart. Masculinity is defined by power. Give women power in an intimate relationship and you have "phallic" women and emasculated men. The glue is dissolved.
    Femininity is defined by love and nurturing. To a degree, a woman sacrifices worldly ambition for her husband and children. Women get love by making this sacrifice. Men get love by accomplishments.
    Young women no longer know how to sacrifice. By "empowering females" young women are conditioned to behave as males.
    Everyone suffers as a consequence but women suffer most. Their lifespan averages 80 years yet their peak years of fertility (and sexual attraction) end around age 32. In other words, they have approximately 12 years to marry and start a family or they may be alone for almost 50 years. Men whose sexual attraction increases with age and confidence have more time.
    A British actuarial study reported that marriage is in terminal decline. In the period from 2003 until 2031, the proportion of those never married by age 45 is expected to rise from 14 to 40 per cent for males and nine to 35 per cent for females.
    The statistics for children born-out-of-wedlock are devastating. "More than 42 of every 100 babies were born outside marriage last 1994 the figure was 32 per cent and in the early 1970s it was less than 10 per cent."
    According to the report, children brought up by married parents fare better than those raised by cohabiting or single parents. Yet the Illuminati UK government has abolished the married couples allowance and its tax credit system favors single parents.

    "Girls Gone Raunch" a thoughtful article in Canada's Macleans magazine confirms that young women today equate female empowerment with sexual depravity. Encouraged to compete with men, and spurred by examples like Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, they have adopted a promiscuity more common to single males.

    "I was pretty stunned by what I saw in high school students," said Ariel Levy, the author of a study. What she observed was girls everywhere, even at the most progressive schools, doing their best to look the "skankiest," trying to "look as slutty, willing and wanton" as they could. Snapping their thongs and baring their cleavages, these girls had astoundingly gone any sexist male one step better: they were treating themselves and each other like pieces of meat.
    When Levy asked one high school student why she was dressed like that and told her that in her own day, "you would have been embarrassed, ostracized to look like that," she looked at me like I was absolutely from Mars and said, 'How did you get the guy? Charm?' "
    If anything, admits Levy, women caught up in the "liberating" aspects of raunch "think of men as superior. Over and over again these women are telling me they want to be like a guy. It's really fascinating. It's fetishizing masculinity in the sense that maleness in this equation means smart, funny, capable, brave, sexually adventurous, all of that."
    Levy is mystified that feminism which ostensibly aimed to give young women self-respect has resulted in their selling themselves like meat.
    She shouldn't be surprised. Feminism was always about rejecting femininity and usurping the masculine role. Femininity is based on women's consecration of her sexuality to a future husband and family. Feminism taught them to behave like men and have sex without love or commitment.


    "Free love" and the abolition of the family are main tenets of the Communist Manifesto(1848). The success of the Communist subversion of America is shown by our inability to comprehend that this has already taken place. Communism is a front for a scheme to assume control of the world by an ancient satanic cult backed by international bankers. They sponsor most of what ails the world today, including female empowerment.
    The Rothschilds formed the modern form of this cult, the Illuminati, in 1776. Shortly afterward, defectors revealed the secret plans to subvert Western (Christian) civilization. On the subject of women, one Illuminati document explained:
    "There is no way of influencing men so powerfully as by means of the women. These should therefore be our chief study; we should insinuate ourselves into their good opinion, give them hints of emancipation...of standing up for will cause them to work for us with zeal, without knowing that they do so; for they will only be indulging their own desire for personal admiration." (James Wardner, Unholy Alliances 1996, p.35)
    Another Illuminati document, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (1905) talks about eliminating the family and using democracy to manipulate and control the masses. "By cultivating in all a sense of self-importance, we shall destroy among the goyim the importance of the family and its educational value...In this way we shall create a blind mighty force which will never be in a position to move in any direction without the guidance of our agents..." (Protocol 10-5)


    Obviously many people will do whatever they are told and imitate whatever is presented as "cool." They have not yet learned to distrust the media, government and education.

    Female empowerment is a cruel hoax. It flatters and lures young women with money and recognition and paints marriage and family as oppression. Thus many women are deprived of a lifetime of love from husband and children.
    The Illuminati-Communists advance their plan by a policy of divide-and-
    rule: world war, class war, race war and now gender war. Crime, corruption, dysfunction and decadence are other weapons in their secret war waged on humanity.

    The purpose of female empowerment is to dissolve the family and to increase our dependence on the media and government, which are both owned and controlled by agents of Illuminati bankers.
    Related- "Elite Admit Social Engineering"
    See also my "American Communism and the Making of Women's Liberation"
    and section How Heterosexuality Works C-1 (scroll down)
    Most of my writing on feminism is collected in my book, "Cruel Hoax: Feminism & the NWO"

    The Genocide You Never Hear Of

    March 25, 2011

    victims of Red Terror.jpgThe massacre of about two million people, the Russian Christian elite, by Bolshevik (i.e. Illuminati) Jews between 1917-1919 represented the genocide of Russian Christian civilization.
    (An estimated eight million died during the period 1917-1924.) The following description comes from Vicomte Leon de Poncins, "The Secret Powers Behind Revolution"
    pp. 147-152.  Parts are so horrific that they could not be reproduced here. There is only one explanation for why this genocide is repressed, and why no holocaust museums have been erected in its memory. The spiritual descendants of these satanist Bolsheviks run the world today. Anti-Illuminati anti-Communist Jews must take a stand or be blamed for these, present and future Illuminati atrocities.

    "The Commission of Inquiry of Deniken on Bolshevist proceedings during the period 1918-1919, in an account of the Red Terror, computed 1.7 million victims.

    Professor Sarolea gives in The Scotsman of 7th November 1923 the following official figures published everywhere: 28 Bishops, 1219 priests, 6000 professors and teachers, 9000 doctors, 54,000 officers, 260,000 soldiers, 70,000 policemen, 12,950 property owners, 535,250 members of the intellectual and liberal professions, 193,290 workmen, 618,000 peasants.

    Better than any dry statistics, the following description by a witness will give an idea of the scale upon which these butcheries are made. When the Rohrberg Commission of Enquiry entered Kief, after the taking of that town by the Volunteer Army in August 1919, it found the execution hall of the Cheka in the following state:

    "All the cement floor of the great garage (the execution hall of the departmental Cheka of Kief) was flooded with blood. This blood was no longer flowing; it formed a layer of several inches; it was a horrible mixture of blood, brains, of pieces of skull,of tufts of hair and other human remains. All the walls riddled by thousands of bullets were bespattered with blood; pieces of brains and of scalps were sticking to them....

    We found in the corner of the garden another grave which was older and contained about 80 bodies. Here we discovered on the bodies traces of cruelty and mutilations the most varied and unimaginable.

    Some bodies were disemboweled, others had limbs chopped off, some were literally hacked to pieces. Some had their eyes put out and the head, face, neck and truck covered with deep wounds. Further on we found a corpse with a wedge driven into the chest. Some had no tongues. In a corner of the grave, we found a certain quantity of arms and legs...

    Juri Lina Youtube - The Truth About Communism



    How to Stop the NWO

    March 21, 2011
    (left) Sarkozy and Cameron exchange a Masonic (thumb on knuckle) handshake. All our "leaders" are errand boys for the Illuminati.

    by Henry Makow, Ph.D.

    It reads like a bad script for a B-movie. Humanity is taken over by a satanic cult. Everyone must secretly pledge allegiance to this cult if they want to advance. Members are compromised and blackmailed to ensure loyalty.

    Although this cult's monuments and symbols are everywhere, no one dares to mention its name, or challenge its dominance.

    Murphy's law is true. If it can go wrong, it will. For humanity, it has.

    Western "civilization" itself has been subverted by this cult. The so-called "enlightenment" represents a rejection of man and God.
    A tiny clique of Cabalist bankers, the Illuminati, have supplanted God (i.e. the natural and moral laws of the universe) in the specious name of "humanism," "reason," "progress." Henceforth, they will determine what is healthy and natural, i.e. homosexuality, promiscuity, pedophilia, incest. 

    Today, humanity is firmly in their satanic grip, and sinking deeper into a coma. The ship of civilization is sinking beneath the waves while the passengers are asleep. To use another nautical metaphor, we are up a creek without a paddle.

    The Illuminati bankers manipulated events to destroy the institutions of Christian civilization -- religion (God), race, nation and family -- and induct humanity into their cult. This is the "New World Order."

    They instigated and financed wars to destroy the nations and then hyped the authors that spread alienation and disillusionment. They
    hold humanity prisoner by their mind control. It's no coincidence that the mass media is controlled by a handful of corporations with occult logos.   
    The subversion of humanity by this tiny cult and their allies is the suppressed true history of the modern world. This is the only real conflict; Illuminati versus humanity. The others have been staged as diversions.  
    nice photo.jpgDENIAL

    Despite all the evidence, we are in denial. We don't really believe in this conspiracy. It's like learning we have terminal cancer. We don't want to know.  The mass media keep telling us that our democratic and cultural institutions are sound and responsible. We prefer to believe that.
    We suffer from a cognitive dissonance.

    The conspiracy is real and it's much worse than we think.  Powerful people  have lived and breathed this plot for centuries. They have erected a vicious police state behind the facade of democratic government and liberty. The charade of "fighting terror" is a pretext to imprison the general population.  

    The Protocols have been realized. The Illuminati want to own and control everyone. They want to be God. They contrived all the revolutions, the world wars, the Cold War, Korea, Vietnam, the JFK assassination, 9-11, Iraq and Afghanistan and the "war on terror."

    Today, they are busy stealing Gadhafi's wealth. (They prefer puppets to bloated national bosses.)

    They are responsible for engineering women to fear and distrust men, better to divide and conquer. They are responsible for "sexual liberation" (aka enslavement) which reduces all human relationships to a cheap ejaculation. They use sex to systematically degrade us, to make us their cattle.     

    We're free in a limited individual sense, thank God. But collectively, we are being farmed. If they really cared about freedom, they'd empower us. They'd teach civic values, patriotism and history. They'd foster strong male-female relationships, marriage and families.

    they sabotage us. Educational and cultural standards are lowered. Their "entertainment" spews occultism, porn and gruesome apocalyptic visions.

    Humanity suffers a form of arrested development. We are in a trance. Sequels and remakes. Nothing new, or true. We're not going to make our intended rendezvous with our Creator.


    A conspiracy requires secrecy and darkness to thrive. We can eradicate it simply by shining the light of truth on it.

    We must expose its participants and their foul deeds, starting with 9-11. Our leaders and mass media are traitors, guilty of complicity in mass murder and cover-up.

    The first job of a government is to ensure that it isn't taken over by a satanic cult. Our governments have failed. They have no legitimacy.

    The Illuminati needs legitimacy to function. We can take that away. We need to reveal the truth to as many people as possible. We need to help their dupes see the true, common enemy.       

    We are a tiny sliver of the population. But, as the Illuminati tyranny becomes more onerous, many more people will seek the explanation. 

    We must resist peacefully. Anything else plays into their hand. But we should be armed and prepared to defend ourselves. In my view, the widespread ownership of guns is the main reason Americans are still relatively free.  

    Civilization is based on spiritual absolutes like truth, justice, love, and beauty, which they systematically undermine.
    They are destroying civilization.  Let it not be said, we slept and didn't even notice.

    Is Gold a Refuge?

    March 12, 2011
    gold_coins.jpgby Henry Makow Ph.D.

    Recently I received this letter from a reader, Charlie, who asked me for my view of the current gold (and silver) mania.

    A question for you on g-o-l-d.  For some time I've been trying to figure this's an enigma to me and perhaps you can shed some light and give me your thoughts.  Why is it that the "argument" FOR precious metals is so one-sided?   And seemingly SO STRONG.  Invincible?  How does one weigh this, that the intl gangster banksters hold most all the shiny stuff?    
    Can it really turn out well for the little guy who tries to protect himself---discarding paper $ for metal? Is he a dupe?
    So I ask, is g-o-l-d REALLY the refuge from the coming currency storm?   IS IT? (i.e. physical).  For I know that paper is dust historically speaking; but could the hard stuff be dust too?  Pixie dust which also can take wings and fly away just as easily as paper?  Into waiting hands.    The "argument" which for so long has seemed so strong suddenly seems too pat and one-sided,,,who will argue the other side?   I haven't heard one voice. ("Don't buy gold or silver, and here's why.")  Surely there must be one or two good reasons NOT to buy them...assuming one can..But maybe I've been reading in all the wrong places. :)
    I can't put my finger on it Henry but as a purported safehaven from the monetary storms it seems too "sure" a bet,,,and to me this raises suspicion of its surety. But neither is the dollar or any currency for that matter--thus the mystery to me of what's really going on. 
    The bible says to have food and clothing is enough. God knows what we need and He provides it.  I don't think Jesus had any gold or silver and we know Peter didn't, which he explained to the lame beggar at the gate of the Temple: "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk." Acts 3:6.   
    Jesus advised not to "store up" treasures on earth, and that must include gold and silver. He didn't mean "don't save" of course as that would run contrary to the entirety of Scripture,,,but perhaps what Jesus is advising is that we not place our "heart" into those things because they:  A. Can be easily stolen  B. We can easily die and they'll go to someone else!  and C. True riches are stored up in heaven ("where your treasure, there your heart will be also") and not on earth..  Oh the wisdom of God!!


    Dear Charlie,

    You're definitely on to something. Our fixation with gold and financial security is a big part of the satanic spell that enslaves us.

    In a sense, the Illuminati bankers are creating a financial panic that only drives us further into Satan's arms. We literally seek salvation from -- and worship gold.

    Love of Gold is love of Satan. Satanists worship (love) the golden calf.

    It is easier to pass a camel through the eyes of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven. Jesus' observation summarizes the human condition individually and collectively. We have turned our backs on our own salvation. We are like the rich man.

    But we can own precious metals without worshiping them.


    The best argument for gold and silver is that they are a medium of exchange that the bankers don't create out of nothing like fiat currency. They are not sovereign debt.

    They are the only medium of exchange we can create (through our ownership of gold stocks.) They are also the only medium that cost alot to produce, are relatively rare, and have some inherent value.

    Owning gold or silver is a political act. It is rejecting fiat currency. For this reason, the central bankers will aways try to sabotage or suppress their value. We should regard selling panics as buying opportunities.

    So I am all for gold and silver and believe they should represent a portion of one's savings.


    But returning to my main theme, the trick is to not worship (love) Gold. This means not thinking about money constantly. Not measuring our value in terms of how much we have.

    "What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?"

    The quest for gold is a part of the diabolical trance we suffer under. The battle we face is a spiritual one, one we must all wage first in our own heart. "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

    We call someone who sells their body a whore. What do we call those who sell their soul?

    As Charlie alluded, "Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal."

    Ultimately, the gold argument is  beads versus sea shells. What if we measured our wealth in terms of how much love we have in our life?

    God is the Spirit of Love, the only true refuge. We must love God first, fervently and only.  Thank you Charlie for this reminder.

    Comment from Michael March 14

    Say you have 20k in gold, but no money. How long will it take for you to decide to sell you're 20k for 5k in money you can eat with?

    That's a 75% loss and trust me that is the plan and it'll be much worse then that.

    That's why they want everyone to buy gold, because they know when the dollar dies they'll make huge profits off of those they sold the gold too.

    It's not a safe haven, it's a trap.

    There is no such thing as a safe haven unless you own oil fields.

    Thirteen Virtues of a Christian Woman

    March 6, 2011

    "In hindsight, as women begin to see the effects of women's liberation, they begin to acknowledge that women are more dominated than ever before, only this time often by vile strangers, instead of the ones that love them."

    By Debra Siddons

    Debra Siddons is a freelance reporter and Truth activist, covering topics of religious, political, and historical importance. Her email address is:


    Unto the woman He (God) said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire [shall be subject] to thy husband, and HE (thy husband) SHALL RULE OVER THEE.

    And unto Adam He said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife (and obeyed her instead of Me), and hast eaten of the tree, of which I COMMANDED thee, saying, Thou shalt NOT eat of it: cursed [is] the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat [of] it all the days of thy life; - The Book of Genesis 3-16,17.

    No matter which you way you look at it, men are to be men (not animals), and women are to be ladies, working towards a full and prosperous life, under a man's helping hand.

    So, what is the big deal with these women (not ladies) that demand places in society not meant for them?  The foolishness of these prideful females, and the lazy or spineless males who helped them, has resulted in a destructive effect on society. 

    Men must be obedient to God, and women obedient to God and men.  The children must in turn be obedient to both parents, and God.  This however does not mean that a woman should obey a man if his wishes are sick or evil. But most women now refuse to obey men under any circumstances.  Instead, they actually take pride in manipulating them in whatever way works (proving their complete lack of real morals).

    The 13 Aspects of Obedience (The Remedy for Selfish-Ego)  -

    Deference - the most respectful conduct, knowing that even though you might think you are 100% correct, you might still be wrong.

    Demureness - to be markedly quiet, composed, graceful, unruffled and undemonstrative in general; to be conspicuously inconspicuous; to not seek after others' observation, nor need an audience. To become graceful, not a fashion-statement or walking pornography, or a trumpet-mouth; to accentuate and likewise appreciate in others also, the peace, calm, and invisibility of the Spirit, rather than vanity, excitement and body curves; to not seek attention, nor need to be the center-of-attraction, whether overtly, subtly, or craftily.

    Docility - to be easy to teach; willing to obey, cloaked with gentleness and helpfulness; attentive to the instruction given from God, your spouse, or your parents (whatever the case may be); and not one's own wants and cravings; to stop questioning proper authority and begin accepting. People waste so much time in seeking to work out what they see (with lunatic, fragile minds) when in the seeing of God's Purpose, all is done.

    Unpretentiousness - to not feign in fraud or in jest, nor lie or "make-believe" such as false professions of purpose, even in your own mind; to carry no airs; to know and accept that one has infinitely less wisdom than God; to say exactly what you mean and to mean exactly what you say. To have the most serious mind and the deepest commitment; keep your word even under adverse circumstances; to repent of wrong-doings with conviction never to do it again, rather than allow "Self"-pity/sadness without hope; instead accept stoically with determination never to do it again; remain brave not only when things are pleasant, but when you see weaknesses in your-Self and your mistakes; always avoiding emotions.

    Gratefulness - being thankful for discipline, kindness, mercy and love shown; find Joy in the knowledge of God's Love for you; never take anything or anyone for granted; to show/demonstrate gratitude with actions, not just words; practice reasons to give thanks.

    Lowliness - having a low (the correct) estimate of one's own importance; knowing our true nature as fallen Spirit-Beings, imprisoned inside human-animal bodies; to never on any occasion serve "Self"-delusions in thinking you are good, sane and wise, whilst Satan seeks to devour our souls with lies and deceptions, including that he and we are great.

    Meekness - to be tame-spirited, continuously quelling any violence in oneself; make oneself approachable by any, without compromising principles; to avoid relying upon one's own point of view and forcing it upon others; to practice restraining immediate impulses and emotions, avoiding doing things in a rush and without due consideration.

    Modest - not overrating one's own merit; unassuming; not excessive in manner; pure-minded (listening only to God and not Satan will ensure this); not placing oneself above any other Being, in words, deeds and your heart (having/showing no favouritism/higher-respect to persons or status); keeping check on your-"Self" first and foremost, all the time, rather than seeing small blemishes elsewhere; to refrain from seeking appreciation from others and strive to do everything for the higher benefit and the good of everyone else.

    Obedience - properly submissive, recognizing rightful Authority (not mind-controlled propaganda). Having loyalty in thought, word and deed; no whoring and infidelity, heeding lies.

    Obsequiousness - obedient to a high degree, with staunch reluctance to be deterred in correct action, or thought.

    Propriety - a proper and absolute sense of right and wrong; maintaining correct attitude and conduct. Accepting there is often no need to ask "why", but rather, there is just a right way and a wrong way of doing things. A True righteousness, with a Spiritual certainty, not partaking in the nice sounding philosophical theories of mankind.

    Submissiveness - unresisting; accepting without resistance the orders or justified treatment or lot (fate) met with; to give way; yield to authority.  Remembering that fear and doubt are mind-killers.  They are the little deaths that lead to total obliteration. Let them Pass by (become a "passerby" as God instructed).

    Subservience - to be under authority of and answerable to a Higher-power, and submit one's will for the good and beneficence it gives; enjoying the Freedom of True discipline.  The hallmark of a Disciple is discipline.

    As one of the strongest positive forces on Earth, the Satanists had to destroy the power of the male-female bond.  The late film producer, Aaron Russo, exposed why women's liberation was pushed through society.

    The tremendous cost of feminism for women should be obvious. It is a loss for the male as well, as he has lost his counterpart that nurtures and fortifies him; but it is her loss most of all.

    Eve came from within (the rib) Adam. It is within Adam that her power resides, through cooperation, not manipulation.  She cannot expect to ever act independently and be strengthened.

    It is not only how God has intended this to be, but it is impossible for her succeed at being a true woman and lady, while pretending to be a man.

    In hindsight, as women begin to see the effects of women's liberation, they begin to acknowledge that women are more dominated than ever before, only this time often by vile strangers, instead of the ones that love them, and the power they have access to, is diminished and lost.

    A duck cannot succeed at being a dog.  A horse cannot succeed at being a chicken.  And a woman will never succeed at being a man.  The more women resist in accepting that which is natural to them, the more they will be weakened, stressed, depressed, and die.

    A woman's root nature seeks to be led. It is built inherently within all women, and it is through this vulnerability that they find a man's hand to help them climb hills and mountains. This helping hand and powerful bond, built on the necessity that each partner acts according to their root nature, is the only place where equilibrium of the Spirit is found.

    In this equilibrium is the giving and receiving of Love that many women seek, but most have lost; by choosing materialism and ego instead.

    God awaits the women of this world to re-find their place, dignity, and power.

    As a woman, I thank my Beloved, always and forever.  I keep my hand in His, as it must be, and I am loved.

    "The Way Back" to Good Movies

    March 1, 2011
    wayback.jpgby Henry Makow Ph.D.

    Australian Director, Peter Weir, 66, has made many of my favorite movies: The Year of Living Dangerously, Witness, Gallipoli, Dead Poet's Society, Green Card, The Truman Show, and Master and Commander. He wrote or co-wrote four of them. 

    He was nominated for an Oscar six times but has never won, a sure sign of an outsider. 

    His latest film, The Way Back should not have been made. But I'm glad that it was.

    It is the story of the escape of six men from a slave labor camp in the Soviet Gulag in 1941, and their 4000-mile hike from Siberia, across Mongolia, China, Tibet to India. Frankly, the movie is a hard slog (i.e. a bit dull at times.) Although it claims to be "inspired by true events," the sources have been challenged as apocryphal.

    Nevertheless, I liked the movie because it affirmed human values. Weir is among the last Hollywood directors to uphold spiritual ideals over our baser instincts. I left the theater feeling more human and more positive about other people.

    Movies today generally perform the opposite function. Made by Cabalists, they affirm our meanest instincts while paying lip service to right and wrong. They are full of apocalyptic fear and gloom and generally induct us into the Illuminati's satanic mindset.
    peterweir.jpg(left, Peter Weir)

    Peter Weir's The Way Back represents an older more civilized view of life. Right away, it identifies Stalin's Russia as a criminal dictatorship. It doesn't portray Stalin as a kindly uncle, as do many Cabbalist productions.

    Secondly, it is about the struggle for survival. The film pares human experience down to bare essentials. Yet, the six escapees share food equitably, make decisions democratically, and basically cooperate.  When someone dies, they bury and honor him despite their dire circumstances. These people are civilized. Although they are forced to tear bloody meat from the jaws of wolves, they are not animals. This is not  Deliverance.

    When a beautiful 16-year-old Polish girl joins the journey, there isn't one lewd or even sexual note. They treat her like a sister.

    The characters are understated and their interactions low key. Nonetheless, the main characters suggest a depth of experience, suffering and complexity. The main character Janusz is motivated by a desire to be reunited with his wife. She was tortured into betraying his anti-Stalinist views. Janusz wants to live so that he can forgive her.  She is still tortured, by guilt.

    A vision of his cottage home keeps him going. His reunion with his wife at the end brought me to tears. I am pretty cynical and thick-skinned but I like to see ideals respected.  

    The movie-making is not nearly as deft as Weir's breath-taking Master and Commander , 2007, (which effectively affirmed masculine values.)

    Fresh Tomatoes critics were generous to The Way Back. They gave it a 75% Fresh rating. Both the positive and negative comments are valid.

    As you can guess, this was not an Illuminati Hollywood production. It was made by a dog's breakfast of small companies:
    National Geographic Films,
    Spitfire Pictures. Imagenation Abu Dhabi. It was distributed by Newmarket Films, Exclusive Film Distribution, and Meteor Pictures.

    Evidently the Illuminati don't yet have a total stranglehold on film. But their power is evinced by the fact that "The King's Speech" won the 2011 Oscar for Best Picture, Director and Actor.

    The King's Speech is a film is about a minor footnote in modern history. It was made by the UK Film Council (i.e. the government) and the Weinstein Company. It is indicative of how historical  reality is trivialized and suppressed. The Illuminati isn't going to let us learn the truth. We are their mental and spiritual prisoners. They want to reduce humanity to an animal-state, better to serve them.

    The purpose of cinema, and art in general, is to uplift us. We are not animals. We are something unique. And we are one family.