Muslim Rapper Responds to Peter King's Islamaphobia
By Jasiri X -Guest Perspective- | Last updated: Mar 14, 2011 - 3:55:04 PMPrinter Friendly Page
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Our new video "Wandering Strangers" raise questions about who's a terrorist, and why people seem to forget freedom of religion is a constitutional right. Wandering Strangers was produced by Kreid and directed by Paradise Gray.
And I too shed tears on 9-11
asking God why looking for the signs in heaven
But let me remind the reverend
When it came to lynching the Christian knights were behind the weapons
When burning crosses in the nighttime were present
In the name of Jesus we were terrorized no question
Our hurt is the witness but we aint hate the church or religion
We put the blame on the person who did it you should search for forgiveness
this verse for the critics you're totally wrong
why did Thomas Jefferson have a Holy Qur'an
when you mention radicals why is it only Islam
wasn't Timothy McVeigh OK with a bomb
didn't the government fund Saddam
and the Taliban in Afghanistan before it was Obama's Vietnam
didn't ya forefathers come to these shores and waters
to escape persecution religious wars and slaughter
and wrote the Constitution will you ignore the authors
without freedom of religion then do you see us as citizens
burning Qur'ans just leads to more division
ain't that what the terrorist wanted which sides really winning
Imagine being denied a place to pray
in America where your just trying to make a way
Is this the land of the free I think it's safe to say
we coming face to face with hate today
wasted racists make it seem like Islam's the enemy
callin Obama a Muslim want him gone like Kennedy
wasn't love thy neighbor how Jesus formed his ministry
but I don't qualify cause I'm the wrong identity
say good bye integrity and so long dignity
They say it's not religion just the mosque vicinity
to Ground Zero
then dishonor the 1st responders by denying em health care is that how you crown heroes
this is the way truth sounds in ya earlobe
stop listening to those Fox clowns and weirdos
how you gonna justify vilifying and hating
when the funder of the Kingdom foundation owns ya station
and if it's about freedom what are we really debating
if we all brothers and sisters why aren't we relating
they say it's about respect then call us terrorists
Nazis, jihadists, but never Americans
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